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united protection Agency inc
When you want the professional deterring officer look without the greater potential of death as a result. Try out trained less-lethal security program.

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Why Use A Contract Security Service?

Security services are based upon client needs and can be changed as needs change.

Our Goal

The safety and security of your personnel and property directly impacts your daily operations. Choosing the right security provider to minimize risk is vital. United Protection Agency provides unarmed licensed and insured security professionals in every conceivable environment.

Your Security Partner

At United Protection Agency, we only hire the individuals that meet the standards of our agency and the expectations of our clients. We offer premier security services based on traditional values for your peace of mind.

Fast Response

Security Officers comprise one of the nation’s largest groups of first responders and play an integral role in prevention and crime deterrence. United Protection Agency researches and studies industry best practices to ensure our clients benefit from state-of-the-art, cost-effective techniques in the security arena.

An Un-Armed certified security personnel provider

Our supervised officers are purposely trained for reacting to different situations thru response tactics &or real life effective protection salutations.

Chicago leading agency in non-lethal security

When you want the professional deterring officer look without the greater potential of death as a result, you know that United Protection Agency Inc is your perfect security partner.

The faces of United Protection Agency Inc

Each member of our team is a specialist in his or her field. Together, we make sure you’re investing where the best returns are, while building loyalty across every touchpoint.

Your best option for mobile patrol security

At United Protection Agency Inc. we provide security patrols for residential communities, construction sites, retail and commercial properties and parking lots, just to name a few.

United Protection Agency Inc is an Armed / Un Armed certified security personnel provider.

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